Saturday, December 22, 2007

The standard "see you later" entry

So is anyone still around and reading blogs, or have we all retreated to our respective relatives' homes for heavy drinking and family infighting warm moments of family togetherness? I'm heading out tomorrow myself, but before I go, I wanted to report that I deservedly won the holiday attire contest (which I mentioned earlier this week) at my good friend Lisa's "Cocktails from Around the World" party last night. I narrowly edged out some fine contenders, including a snowman-printed turtleneck, a sweater tacky enough to feature both a Christmas tree and Winnie the Pooh, and an awesomely retro plaid dinner jacket culled straight from the wearer's dad's closet. It was a very tough call for the judges, I'm sure. I think hand-sewing gold pipe cleaners onto my sweater vest is what secured the prize for me.

Incidentally, I have no idea why every photo taken of me while in this lineup makes me look "special" in a The Other Sister sort of way. Obviously I should watch those mad wild hand gestures, whether I'm holding a cocktail plate and drink or no.

Steve also wanted to see my cheerful Christmas footwear, so here's a shot of that. I actually rather like these bright and stripey socks, and frankly I'm semi-seriously wondering if I can get away with wearing them throughout the entire year. What do you think?

I also have festive snowman socks, which I wore one day earlier this week. I would like to point out that my ankles are not as thick as they look in this photo. You'll just have to take my word on that.

I had several other things to tell you, but I think lack of sleep and poor nutrition is affecting my memory and train of thought. I received an awesome box of treats in the mail from my pal Nabbalicious today, and between those and the leftover cookies from last night's party, I have eaten nothing but sugary carbs nearly all day. I actually wish my family was the usual cooking type. I could probably stand to eat a vegetable or two right now, but where I'm headed, those are even more scarce than in my home.

So with that, I'm out of here, and I'll likely be making myself scarce for the next several days. I expect most of you will be doing the same, but don't worry: our friend Aaron has already pledged to keep the Internet running for all of us while we're gone. You're a good man, Charlie Brown Aaron. I admire that you're still going strong with this post-every-day nonsense.

Merry Christmas if you celebrate it and happy long weekend to you if you don't. Catch you all next week.


Paisley said...

Something weird just happened to my comment. The Christmas Blogger Scrooge, perhaps? Anyhoo - Merry Christmas and eat some treats for me. I didn't bake this year and am fighting every urge to rush out and buy ingredients for Scotcharoos.

The Other Girl said...

At first I thought you were holding up a paper Christmas tree, but upon closer inspection, I see the tree is actually a part of your ... uh, garment. Well done. Also, you do look a little special there, but if you were my sister, I would be proud to ride the bus with you. Merry Christmas!

Poppy said...

Thanks for catching up on my blog before skipping town! It was really nice to wake up at 2am and find a slew of messages from you!!

Hope you have safe travels, lots of mind-numbing alcohol, and merriment.

In, of course, retrospect. ;)

Stefanie said...

Paisley--Argh. You are even ON Blogger and it's still eating your comments?? I very much apologize on my blog's behalf. :-(

TOG--Indeed, part of the vest (well, after I altered it, anyway). Here's a closeup of the tackiness.

Poppy--You're welcome. :-) I got way behind on my reading this week and figured I better catch up before I leave and even more posts stack up! Merry Christmas!

Aaron said...

Wow. Congrats on that sweater, dude; your hard work paid off, big time. Also, I don't see why you can't wear those stripey socks all year; stripey socks are always cute. Who cares if they're Xmas colors?

Have a very merry Christmas! I will take my pledge to keep the internet running very seriously.

Mariposa said...

No wonder why you won, it looks amazing...and love that sock!

Merry christmas to you!

Anonymous said...

That sweater is amazing. I'm not kidding, you look like you just got off your toy-making shift at the North Pole. Congrats on the win, and have fun at your parents!

Anonymous said...

I am impressed by all the contestants! I hope that you had a safe trip in this crazy weather.

L Sass said...

Merry Christmas, Stefanie!

Also, you are clearly the Christmas apparel winner. No contest!

Kim said...

You beat out Winnie the Pooh, that's sayin' something.

Hope you have a fabulous Christmas!

steve said...

Them're some sweet-ass socks! Not to take anything away from that badass sweater, mind you.

lizgwiz said...

Oh, I think fun socks are a year-round item, for sure!

Anonymous said...

FUn socks are definitely suitable year round, my friend. Merry Christmas to you (albeit a day late)!

Jess said...

I hope you had a great holiday and got several more pairs of stylish socks. Which you can totally wear year-round. Seriously.

Whiskeymarie said...

I mean this in the nicest way possible:
That vest is hideous. You deserved to win.

But I like the socks. You can keep earing those.

stinkypaw said...

All the best to you and yours and may 2008 be the best year of your life! (or the Stef Year!)