I had other things I was going to tell you this evening... like that the new-to-me laptop I've been so excited about seems to have become possessed already but that I lack the techno-prowess to know what to do about it and hence, am attempting to solve it like I solve so many problems in my life: by ignoring it in the hopes that the problem goes away on its own. Or that my pal Carrie and I went to an MPR & Citizens League event tonight and both simultaneously developed a crush on the MPR reporter who was a panelist for the event, and that we are considering inviting him to our next party (or even perhaps planning a party solely so we can invite him).
I was going to tell you these things and possibly more, but I spent the time I would have spent typing that talking to Lara instead, and now it is time for bed. Lara fully supports that party idea, by the way, and even went so far as to suggest we call it an M-P-R-ty. Heh. Lara may have been inhaling fumes from her Ukranian egg decorating supplies when she cracked that joke, but I have to admit I lack any similar excuse for laughing at it.
Do you remember in old movies, when a long distance phone call was a major event? When people scheduled calls and had operators put them through, and a hush fell over the entire house because "Mr. So-and-So is on the phone, from NEW YORK! LONG DISTANCE!"? I don't want to imply that a phone call from Lara is not an event, but I do appreciate the fact that the air of formality over a long distance call has long since dropped. I mean, while we talked, Lara was dyeing Ukranian eggs, and I decided to read her the questions on Mental Floss's "SkyMall Product or Rejected Invention Patent?" quiz. It was probably exactly what we would have been doing if we were chatting in the same room together, instead of several states away. Ah, the wonders of technology.
Speaking of technology, allow me to present my favorite answer on the "SkyMall Product or Rejected Invention Patent" quiz. Mental Floss pitted the "Cool Steps" self-cooling footwear against the "The NECKpro over-door cervical traction device," and it nearly stumped both of us. I mean, a miniature air compressor in each shoe does sound a tad ridiculous, but so does an at-home traction device. Aren't there some things that should not be do-it-yourself ventures? I would have assumed cervical traction fell solidly in that category, along with at-home dental work and chiropracty. Alas, no. Behold: the NECKpro...

It's no personal mini-donut maker, but every product has its niche, I suppose.
I would like to order a couple of those NeckPros for work. I think they'd be a pretty good deterrent for getting a detention with me, don't you?
I am telling you, the MPR-ty is a must-do! Except I guess it will have to be a secret MPR-ty, because you don't want SexyNerdy Guy to know that HE was the purpose of your party. Hrm.
Am I the only one who thinks it odd that one could be in traction whilst standing in a doorway?
Do you have to pull the string on the NeckPro to make it work? Because I think my arm would get tired after a while.
I wonder if we both simultaneously noticed we was wearing no ring, too. It's possible our brains were in the same spot at the same time, even though I was so distracted by the sultan in his crisp, off-white suit.
I enjoyed the Mates of States video (from the safety of my living room - blog reading is a minor offense compared to you tube viewing at work!) The head bobbing was a little strange, but I liked the song.
I think you should have the MPRty, then Lara will have to come visit!
So ... you wouldn't happen to have a link to this personal mini-donut maker of which you speak, would you? Not for me, of course. For a friend.
You ask and I deliver, Flurrious.
Mmmmm, time to make the donuts...
LOVE Mates of State. and that thing is...interesting?
I want one of those! Seriously, a while back I had neck pain for about a year and a half and the whole time I swore that if I could just hang by my head it would straighten everything out. That thing would have been just the ticket!
And I dig Mates of State.
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