Monday, May 01, 2006

Things I did on my date last night that prove I'm really no good at this

  1. Stuck my finger in my chai and tried to stir out the weird sediment at the top. (I did not, at least, stick my finger in his chai.)
  2. Said, "Thanks, sugar daddy," when he paid for said chai.
  3. Referenced my ex-boyfriend no less than four times.
  4. Spent more time and words explaining my sister's current place in life than my own.
  5. Followed his sheep castration story with an equally inappropriate story about human testicles.

Oddly, the lucky guy on the receiving end of all this wildly inappropriate first-date behavior actually followed the evening with a "Thank you" email and a request for a second date. Clearly this means one of two things: 1. I've found the loneliest, most desperate man in the city, or 2. My backwards self (where I do the exact opposite of whatever is the most socially acceptable or expected thing in any situation) is entirely more charming and captivating than I ever realized.


Darren said...

1. Hm. I would have probably made a mental note of it, but I don't know that it would have necessarily killed it for me if I had seen you do that.
2. See, I would have actually liked that. It would have made me laugh.
3. Well, in what context? Like, "My ex-boyfriend had insulting nicknames for me and that's why it never worked out" or "My ex-boyfriend was so hot that you'll just never know"?
4. Yeah, that would have been a patience tester. I'll admit it.
5. Seeing as how I don't have any sheep castration stories, I have a hard time putting myself inside this one. And since I don't have any sheep castration stories, it means you would have just been randomly talking about human testicles. Depending on how much we had had to drink, I would have either thought you were hilarious or terrifying.

Good luck, though!

Poppy said...

That sounds like a pretty freakin' awesome date to me. You're very charming in your blog.

On a totally unrelated topic, deas for your landscaping are swirling in my head, give me a few days to get them down to paper then into email. I'll say this much now: Yellow is NOT your color. (Well, the house's, anyway.)

Poppy said...



-R- said...

On our first date, my now-husband sang a song from Conan O'Brien, and I decided at that moment that there would be a definitely be a second date. So you never know. Maybe he likes quirky! (Please don't hate me for my exclamation point.)

(The song, by the way, was about being protected from three-inch bees.)

Stefanie said...

Darren--No sheep castration stories? You're kidding me. Doesn't everybody have those? OK, maybe not. But I'm in the Midwest. We've got a lot of former farm boys around these parts. It didn't actually surprise me much.

Poppy--Aw, thanks. Maybe you should write me a letter of recommendation to show to prospective dates. And you're right, actually--yellow is NOT my color, but I didn't realize my HOUSE had an issue with it! You don't think a little yellow might contrast nicely with the red door? Oh, I don't know. I'm open; I've made no solid preferences. OK, this has gotten increasingly irrelevant to the blog post comment format, and I really should have just replied via email instead! ;-)

R--That does sound like a good first date. This one? Eh. It wasn't bad, overall, but for me the jury is still out as to whether a connection is there. And I just used two exclamation points and an emoticon in my comment back to Poppy, so I'm surely not going to judge you for your one, isolated exclamation point. I'm not THAT harsh, really, despite possible evidence to the contrary.

Stacey Brandow said...

Talking about human testicles will get you a second date...everytime.

Anonymous said...

Back when I was doing a lot of dating and meeting people through the online sites, I *DUG* offbeat conversations. Anyone can talk about work and generic crap, but castrations and testicles make for some interesting chat. Better to be offbeat, smart, and memorable than regular, dull, and forgettable.