As of this afternoon, that construction is the least of my concerns. It seems I will be seeking alternate routes far beyond the planned timeline for that. Why? Um, you may have heard about it.

No bridge. Gone. Collapsed.
I stand by that subject line up above, and I have little else to add beyond that. Oh, except that as far as I know, all of my friends are accounted for, and if I were a praying girl, I'd be doing a bit of that for all the people I don't know but who were on the scene at the time.
On a more self-absorbed but lighter note, I have a first date tomorrow with a man who is even more geographically undesirable to me now than he was five hours ago. With my luck, I will actually like this one. I should just call the whole thing off right now.
Stef, I'm really glad you're okay. I did worry.
I can't imagine what that's like for your community. I am a praying girl and will be remembering the folks in your neck of the woods.
And as for the guy...go for it!
I'm glad you're OK.
I'm so glad to hear you're okay! I got a text from The Grey Boy and Dude the Girl last night, and they're okay too. Of course, the text didn't make much sense at the time being that I didn't hear the news until this morning. That is one scary collapse.
I'm glad you posted today. I was wondering about you last night when we got the news here. I can't imagine how horrifying it was for the people there.
My first thought when I heard the news was of my Minneapolis blog friends. So glad you're okay!
You can't cancel the date--if it's horribly inconvenient to see him, he's sure to be The One. ;)
I am still freaking out about the bridge collapse this morning. There was so little traffic on 35W headed toward Minneapolis (and the bridge) this morning. It was so strange.
My mom missed it by about two minutes; she watched it happen in her rear-view mirror just after she'd crossed heading north. Oy.
Glad you and yours are okay as well.
Holy shit, indeed!
Glad everyone is okay. Fortunately, the Sass family is safe and sound as well. The photos are absolutely shocking.
I was worried about you, too! Glad you're safe. Also, I will no longer be traveling on bridges.
I checked here before I went to bed- glad you're o.k. I know that, living where you are, you probably use that bridge with some regularity.
Holy shit indeed.
Thank goodness you're okay! What the hell happened to that bridge?! I read some stories but no one seems to have mentioned why it suddenly collapsed into the river. I'm going to go read some more.
Oh, and good luck on your date!
I'm glad you're okay, but ha! Leave it to you to find a way to make this event relate to dating. I love it!
I'm so glad you're okay; I saw the news and immediately thought of you. (Good luck with the date!!) :)
Thanks, everyone. It's so strange but very cool to hear that people in all areas of the country who I've never even met in person were concerned when they heard that news.
VermontStefanie--Oh my word! I can't believe that about your mom! I'm so glad to hear she's OK.
Nabbalicious--Good luck with that no-driving-over-bridges plan. Do they have any bridges in Stars Hollow? Because we could still move there, you know... :-)
WM--I do indeed use that bridge with much regularity. Getting around is going to suck going forward. :-(
NPW--No one knows yet what happened. We probably won't know for months, if we ever do. Definitely scary.
Oh, and the date was just kind of meh. Not bad, not great. Oh well.
Glad you're ok. My friends back in Mpls took way too long to respond to my urgent emails. I am just sickened by the pictures, reports and well, everything. My heart goes out of my former hometown.
Scary stuff indeed. :(
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