Tuesday, August 28, 2007

It's funny the things that make perfect sense in that hazy place between sleep and half-awake...

Cases in point:

  • It seems entirely possible to check my e-mail on my clock radio. No. Really. I have lain in bed mentally attempting this in my half-sleep state so many times that I cannot believe I've never actually reached over and started pressing buttons (thereby deactivating or resetting my alarm). Did I mention my clock radio is not any fancy modern multi-functional piece of technology but a basic brown plastic AM/FM model likely picked up at K-mart for $9.99 sometime in the early 90s? I cannot explain this, obviously.

  • I start thinking about what I should wear for the day, and the outfit my mind calls up and decides upon is one I do not even own.

  • No matter how late it is already, I am convinced that I can press Snooze one more time and still be out the door by 7:20.

  • It seems like a good idea to start composing blog posts from the absurd and random ideas stirring in my half-conscious head.


-R- said...

I too am guilty of convincing myself that one more snooze will be ok. Also, I think it would be really cool if you tried to check your e-mail on your alarm clock.

Red said...

Ha, I love it. The best is when you wake up and you're legitimately confused about what day it is. How does that even happen?

3carnations said...

The worst is when you dream that you are awake, and that it is Saturday. You wake up, you have overslept, and it is Tuesday.

Anonymous said...

I hit my snooze button a minimal of 5 times every morning. I feel like I'm getting more sleep in somehow in my foggy sleepy state!!

L Sass said...

My comment is only slightly related. Isn't it amazing how many pieces of technology (computers, cell phones) conk out after a year or two, but digital alarm clocks go ON and ON?

I realized the other day that my clock radio dates back at least to high school, perhaps farther. For some reason I clearly remember purchasing it with a prescription at the Pharmacy counter of Target.

lizgwiz said...

I do several of those things, as well. Though I do limit my musings to clothing items actually in my closet.

I have a fancy-shmancy clock radio/cd player (no email, though!) thing I got for free a couple of years ago, but sometimes I kind of miss my old brown plastic alarm clock. It didn't even have a radio, I got it as a high school graduation present in 1980--yes, that's right, it did 25 years of faithful duty--but its very simplicity kept the cats from walking over it and resetting/turning off things.

Stefanie said...

R--Yeah, and every day my half-asleep self says, "It'll be OK... I'll just get ready really quickly today!" Yeah, because that's always worked out so well every other time I've said it!

Red and 3Cs--Oh, I hate it when that happens. And you're right; you NEVER get to resolve that moment with a "Whee; it's Saturday!"

SS--I often wonder if I'd actually be more well rested if I just set my alarm a half hour later and just gave myself that extra uninterrupted sleep up front. I can't try it, though, because I know I'd just start the snooze process even later.

L Sass--My high school alarm clock bit it only a few years ago. My microwave from freshman year of college (back in 1992) is still holding out, though! Obviously the simpler the technology, the longer it will last.

Liz--I always reason that if I decide what to wear BEFORE I get up, then I can justify one more snooze press. Obviously it works only if I decide on something I own, however. :-)

Noelle said...

I also decided on clothes that I don't own, and I put them on bodies I don't posses as well.

Also, I agree with L Sass, I have no idea why my alarm clock is still ticking. It scares me to think it might stop one day when I really need it.

Whiskeymarie said...

I come up with what I think are brilliant posts either right before I fall asleep or right when I wake up. On the few occasions that I have actually gotten out of bed to write them down, I later read them to find notes like "David Hasselhoff underwear weelchair" or "that one time with the thing".
I really should just stay asleep.

Anonymous said...

The worst is when you take a nap and wake up confused about why it's so bright outside, like it's two in the afternoon or something. Then you realize that it is two in the afternoon, which is probably why you feel so groggy and pathetic.

Anonymous said...

I love half-conscious blog posts. They are very revealing.

Poppy said...


(What's up with my word verification? hehodbt)

Anonymous said...

I have conversations with myself while "almost asleep." They go like this:

Oh, that thought I just had was really random. I must almost be asleep! About G-D time!!! Wait, wait, start thinking illogical things again, or we'll wake up. Hmmm... Peter Parker... alligators... banana cream pie... aaaaaaah, back to sleep...