Because comparison is fun, check it out:

Haven't changed a bit, have I? Well, my excitement about cake hasn't, anyway.
Also, while I was busy recovering from my own birthday, my blog had a birthday as well. Stefanie Says turned three yesterday. Presumably we're potty trained and ready for preschool now. It's all very exciting, of course.
As if all of that (not to mention St. Patrick's Day) weren't cause enough for celebration, those wacky Christians who are in charge of the holiday calendar went and put Easter in the same seven-day span as well. I will be enjoying that the same way I have for the past few years--by stuffing myself at a brunch with several of my favorite fellow heathens. It's amazing how easy it is to get a group reservation on one of the busier days of the year, even mere days in advance of the holiday, if you're simply willing to take a late morning time slot during which all the real Easter celebrants are at church. Score on that, I say. An early meal just means I'll be home sooner to get a jump on that inevitable afternoon nap.
I'm sure my very Catholic mother would be shaking her very disapproving head at that last paragraph, calling me out in shame at my seeming disrespect for our Savior's rising from the grave. And while I apologize for my flip remarks, I still say Easter always was one of the weaker and less eventful holidays, despite what they said in my grade school religion classes. Metalia's the expert on this, not me, but it actually seems that Jews have all the fun, what with the Bag o' Plagues and the Huggable Matzah Ball and the Let My People Go board game.

Actually, scratch any enthusiam about that "Let My People Go" board game. It just called to mind a not-so-rousing game of Bible Trivia that my sisters and I were once roped into playing at a family friend's house when we were kids. I have always enjoyed winning board games, but I remember my poor showing in that one being not unlike Bart and Lisa's miserable failure against Rod and Todd Flanders in their game of Bible Bombardment. No stickers for me, obviously. Eight years of Catholic school and little aside from pervading guilt to show for it, I guess.
But enough about me. How will you be spending the most Cadbury-friendly holiday this year?
You just reminded me that I have yet to eat a Cadbury cream egg. Must remedy that.
I will be spending Easter overindulging with family and driving F1 go-karts. Maybe not the typical celebration of Jesus's glorious rebirth, but I like to show my reverence in a different way.
Love the mini cake!
I will be playing in a band and singing through not one, but TWO Easter services at church. Then we will retreat to my mother's home and stuffing our faces. Let's hope my salmon and egg salad tartines are a big hit. Actually, they're the Barefoot Contessa's, but who's keeping track?
Happy Blog (and Real) Birthday!
I will go to church, most likely skipping the post-service Easter Egg hunt, and then I will take a nap, and enjoy my last rehearsal-free day until the show opens. If I am VERY lucky, New Guy will get back into town in time for a visit that evening, but I'm not holding my breath for that.
I live an exciting life.
Hopefully having someone else make me breakfast and laying around the house doing as little as possible.
Oh! And eating chocolate.
Huggable Matzah Ball? Best. gift. EVAH.
I swear to God, my parents are the proud owners of both the Huggable Matzah Ball and the Bag O' Plagues, both of which are incorporated into their Passover Seder.
We are a fun people:)
I will be in Albany with AS's family, going to Mass (shudder, I am a Lutheran!) and hanging with his niece and nephews.
Have an excellent brunch!
We usually have some kind of family brunch pig out at a restaurant. I used to try to go to church with my dad so he'd have some company, but my disagreement with everything the minster said was just to painful, and I don't even attempt to do that anymore. For me, the real holiday is Monday, when all the candy goes on sale.
I will eat lots of food. :) Any holiday that involves gathering and I'm not hosting it, makes me smile a bit!
I will be in church praying for unfortunate people like you.
I'm so kidding about that last comment. Couldn't resist.
Actually, I'll be communing with the closest approximation to a god I know in a cabin in the mountains. Or something like that. There will be mixed drinks involved either way.
The only reason I'm even aware of Easter is because all the stores are closed. Really, Best Buy? Really?
Happy Last-Day-of-Birthday-Week/Zombie Christ Day!!
NPW--I am all for the reinventing of holidays. I am also all for Cadbury Creme Eggs (and Mini Eggs), and dammit, I forgot to buy any this year too!
DCMM--You went to church TWICE today?? Well, I guess that means you went once for me. Thanks! ;-)
Liz--My life is no more exciting than yours. I hope you got a little Not-So-New-Guy time in.
WM--That sounds like an excellent Easter to me. Hell, it sounds like an excellent ANY Sunday to me.
Poppy--I know, right? (Actually, I can think of lots of better gifts--for me, anyway. But the huggable Matzah makes me smile anyway.)
Metalia--You are kidding me. Seriously, I need to learn more about you crazy Jews.
L Sass--Brunch was lovely and secular, thanks. Hope you had a fine time at Mass with the fam'.
Noelle--Half-price candy is indeed cause for excitement. Maybe I need to swing by Target tomorrow, actually...
Stacey--Lots of food and no cooking is definitely cause for celebration, I say.
Mickey--Well, someone has to...
Mickey again--I thought you were kidding, but I'm glad you clarified. Don't know you all that well just yet, I guess. :-)
Aaron--Zombie Christ Day makes me smile entirely more than it probably should. Also, that is why I did all my random shopping yesterday.
What is a Fire Breathing lion my familys Crest were from England snakes it's about Business really go for billion's Shawn Puckett is my name happy Birthday I'm also a Retired General US Navy Norad and 41 Were also about burning up sin!
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