Here's hoping any cakes I see today are not of the nightmare-inducing variety. I'm also hoping the birthday present Mother Nature gave me this morning was just a brief, cruel joke and the snow and ice that made my commute to work a bit harrowing are long gone before my friends and I venture out to my birthday gathering tonight. If there is one thing I should not have to do on my birthday, it is shovel. Well, shovel or have a root canal. Or clean my bathroom. Or get a flat tire. Hell, there are a whole lot of things I should not have to do on my birthday, I suppose. But I'll stick to the shoveling thing for now. Go, Sun, go!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I plan on having a special clown cake made just for you, complete with fangs and swirly red eyes.
Fun, yes?!
Very cute pictures. You haven't changed all that much. :)
There are pictures of me at age 6 in a similar smocked dress, but mine had Pooh Bear on it. Either we were both in style in 1980, or we were both hopelessly out of style. For your sake, I hope the former, but given my track record, I'd guess the latter. :)
Oh yeah, and Happy Birthday! :)
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday, lady!
Happy to you! Hope it's a great one.
Happy birthday! I think the clown cake looks cute, not scary. Also, the roads don't seem to be icy at all, so I think you will be all set! Have fun!
Happy happy birthday!!! You look adorable in that picture - SO cute.
Happy birthday! I wish that I were seeing you really soon so that we could celebrate in person!
Appy-hay Irthday-bay, Ef-stay!!!
(See you tonight!)
!yadhtrib yppaH
Happy Birthday!! Maybe when you come out to visit, I'll have a birthday present/Funky Carter prize package.
We'll see.
Happy birthday! (And is there any girl alive who DIDN'T have a lovely smocked dress at some point in her life?)
Happy HAPPY birthday, Stefanie!!
Happy Birthday!!!
You were adorable as a kid and you are STILL adorable today. Hope it's great.
Happy birthday! Have a great one!
Happy Birthday!
Sorry it's a day late.
Happy birthday! If I got a clown cake, I would run away in terror.
Happy Birthday!!!! (late, sorry)
I love pics from back in the day too! Very cute!!
Happy belated birthday! Hope it was a fabulous day with lots of cakes and no red smocked dresses.
LOVED "History of Love" btw. Hope you're enjoying that too.
Thank you, everyone!
NPW--Now that's just mean. ;-)
3Cs--Let's say it's the former. It was the 80s, after all.
R--Indeed, by the time I got home, the snow was but an unpleasant memory. Yay!
Noelle--If only, right? ;-)
Aaron--I nearly forgot that you still owe me a Funky Carter prize package! Now that you've reminded me, though... (You're such a prize tease.)
Liz--Not any girl born in the 70s, probably...
Courtney--I would too, now. (Not sure why it didn't occur to me to be terrified then.)
Sognatrice--I'm loving the writing, but not entirely sure I "get" it (the way the stories overlap or are entwined) yet. Hopefully that'll start to pull together soon.
Happy Birthday! I hope it's a great one.
Happy birthday! I will hoist a brew in your honor this evening.
Happy belated birthday to my favorite other Stefanie!!! :)
Happy birthday! I like that our bdays are so close. I hope the weather clears up for you!
How did I miss this? Doh!
Happy belated b-day anyways! Hope it was fun!
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