Thursday, March 30, 2006

Since apparently this recently became a dating blog...

I'm sure I'll have more stories about bad dates and uneventful dates and, quite possibly, brokenheartedness, soon. Lately, however, I've been taking a break from the sport of Practice Dating. I've still been hearing plenty of advice from what our friend Bridget Jones referred to as Smug Marrieds, however, and it's occurred to me how much of it is actually quite contradictory.

For example, for every person who says, "You find it when you're not looking for it," I get the completely opposite (and rather accusatory) advice of "Well, are you getting out there? Are you trying to meet people??"

Likewise, for everyone who says, "When it's right you'll know it" or "It's good that you're not going to settle for just anyone," I hear the ever-so-helpful suggestion that "Maybe you're just too picky."

I'm not really sure what to do with these conflicting words of wisdom. All I have to say is thank god my friends are all smart enough not to find a counter-point for the age-old standard recommendation to "Just be yourself." Because, "Um, maybe talk less?" or "Maybe you should work on that" are really not things I need to hear as a means of bolstering my self-esteem.

Just a tip for all you non-singletons out there. Consider it my PSA for the week.


Poppy said...

Other people are full of shit. Do whatever you want. Love will eventually come your way, when it's time. (Not necessarily when you think it's time.)

Darren said...

I agree, although I usually try and be the opposite of myself. I find that helps.

Oh. And it totally comes when you're not looking for it. Trust me.

Stefanie said...

Darren, didn't George Costanza try that once (doing the exact opposite of whatever he'd usually do)? It seemed to work for him as well. Hmmm...