Thursday, February 02, 2006

And another thing... where's my hovercraft already?

If genetic engineers can use their power for good instead of evil by coming up with something as spectacular as the Honeycrisp apple, why can't they manage to make an orange (or hybrid thereof) without all the nasty white rind to pick off? It's like trying to peel away all the stuck-on paper bits from a slightly weathered Laffy Taffy, but the payoff is even less rewarding.

It's 2006, after all. Is this really too much to ask?

This isn't the "better post" I promised yesterday, by the way. Sorry about that.


Red said...

I know! It's the future; where is my flying car? Didn't anyone at Ford learn anything from Marty McFly?

Jay said...

Yes, I totally agree. I don't really eat oranges that often...and maybe that's why. Dammit!

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Marty McFly, has anyone seen Brokeback to the Future?

Stefanie said...

Jamie, I heard about that, but didn't go searching for a link. Have you seen the "Shining" one? Even better, I think: