Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Word of the Day

Merriam-Webster has given me a new word to describe one of my more annoying afflictions. When I looked at their Word of the Day today, I immediately thought, "Hey! That's me."

abulia \ay-BOO-lee-uh\
: abnormal lack of ability to act or to make decisions

I particularly like the part of their subsequent "Did you know?" discussion that indicates the word was created to name a severe medical disorder that can render a person nearly inert.

Inert. Yeah, that's another good word for me these days (mentally, I mean... my body is still in motion, so to speak--I could tell you plenty of gym stories if I didn't feel that's all I ever talk about).

I'm not announcing myself as abulic because I'm proud of it in any way. It's more like I've discovered that some ailment I've assumed is all in my head actually has a name and a medical explanation. There's comfort in that, in some strange way.

That or I'm just analyzing the Word of the Day too much because I have nothing else to write about. Yeah, that could be it.

I'll try to harness some creativity and come up with a better post later, OK?


Darren said...

I'd describe myself as abulic, but do I really want to...? I don't know...

Stefanie said...

Good one, Darren. Aren't you just terribly clever as always. ;-)