- Read the new Harry Potter book. Did you hear that the last book recently came out? It's possible you might have actually missed that news. Frankly I'm a little surprised I haven't heard more about it myself. I mean, hasn't anybody on the Internet been talking about this? Oh wait. It seems approximately 10 million people have. Go read about it from one of them, because aside from this one brief mention, Stefanie Says is still a Potter-free zone. I really have nothing against the books, by the way; I just don't give a damn.
- Gone to BlogHer. My first thought, upon learning this year's conference would be in Chicago, was, "Hey! It's happening only a six-hour drive from my house? Maybe I should go!" Sure, I'm not any sort of big-time blogger, and I actually hate conferencey things by nature, but by all accounts, BlogHer is a fun and wonderful time. They even have drinks, I hear! We never get drinks at the conferences I attend for work! Perhaps that could make all the difference. You know what, though? Getting somewhere six hours from home still requires about $100 worth of gas or a $100 plane ticket. And when I get there, I would have to pay for parking or cab fare, not to mention a likely rather expensive downtown hotel room for three nights. Add in the cost of the conference itself and whatever incidentals are not included in that conference cost, and suddenly a quick weekend getaway not too far from home was looking set to ring in at around $700. That is entirely too much money to spend and barely leave the state, I say. Besides, I think Noelle is on to something. She prefers to meet bloggers over tiki drinks, one by one. Who's coming to Psycho Suzi's with me next?
- Seen I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry, despite the fact that some three million of my fellow Americans did. I remember the first time I saw a preview for this reportedly awful film. I was in a theater with my friend Lisa, waiting for Waitress to start, and when we'd seen enough of the preview to grasp the premise, we both looked at each other slack-jawed and horrified, hoping beyond hope that a ringtone would suddenly break in on the sound track, revealing that it was not a real and actual movie set to play in theaters soon but instead one of those fake previews designed to cleverly remind you to mute all electronic devices. Seriously. Do the meatheads of America really need any help making gay jokes? Do we really need Adam Sandler and Jessica Biel sanctioning inane stereotypes? I wasn't going to write anything about this, because it's entirely possible I'm being closed-minded and the film is actually a light-hearted and sensitive approach to a timely topic, but still. Number 1 movie in America?? Really??
- Cleaned out my bathroom drain with the intriguing little Zip-it tool I recently bought precisely for this purpose. Apparently I would rather stand in three inches of water every day as I shower than spend the presumably brief number of minutes involved in trying out this simple and chemical-free little gadget. Perhaps I will do that tonight yet. Staying in alone on a Friday night isn't quite exciting enough, after all. It's best to do something practical and yet disgusting while I'm home as well.
- Bought a jean jacket, despite all my repeated best efforts to do so. What the fuck, Macy's, Gap, and every other store in Rosedale Center?? Everybody in the world has a jean jacket except me; where on earth did they all get them?? Tell me!!
One thing I
will be doing this weekend, however, to prove that I'm not above unanimity
all of the time, is see
The Simpsons Movie tomorrow. And since this is sort of an "everybody's doing it" post, I thought I would be the last person on the Internet to create one of these as well. So here it is: a Simpsons-ized me! Nerd-tastic, wouldn't you agree?
I'm coming to Psycho Suzi's with you! Just probably not next. Probably not for a year. Oh well.
I was completely disheartened to hear that Chuck & Larry was number 1, because I also thought it was a joke of a movie. My only consolation was that all the intelligent people in the world (except you) were indoors reading Harry Potter.
Loving the avatar! Welcome to the club! It's very exclusive and meets at the Tiki bar every once and a while!
I'll come when I visit MN for the first time (dunno when yet). I second Noelle - the streets here were deserted, everyone was indoors for 48 hrs reading it. I took a nap in between, but read it straight through else. As for jean jackets, online they're everywhere. My favorite is this one from Armani Exchange:
I'm going to go make a Simpsons char too, sounds like fun!
Poppy--OK. I'm sure it'll probably still be there then. :-)
Noelle--It's so exclusive that we can't even post the meeting schedule, right? ;-) Just "every one in a while"?
Anniina--That is a good jacket. I want one that's sort of fitted like that. The one and only one I saw at Macy's was annoyingly boxy AND had no pockets. No pockets? WTH?
Gap Outlet. I just got a new for 19.99. Do you have Gap Outlet there?
BMC--We do, but it's sort of far away in an outer-ring suburb. I thought of that, but wasn't sure I wanted to make the trip if it wasn't going to pan out. Thanks for the tip, though. Perhaps I'll have to venture up there after all.
I have also managed to avoid Harry Potter completely, both in print and film formats.
Jean jacket? Are they back "in"? I wanted one in elementary school, but I have lost interest in the last 20-25 years. I guess I'll be missing that trend this time around, too. :)
Wow! I haven't done any of those things, either. It's like we're living parallel lives. ;)
Hmm... I recall getting my denim jacket at the Gap a few years back. I also got one last year at H & M. Love the avatar!
As soon as I buy a jean jacket, it will be uncool to have one. That has been my theory for three years, so in other words, I have been wrong continuously for three years.
I saw The Simpsons movie on Friday and loved it! Did you have the preview for Good Luck Chuck before the movie? So not appropriate for the 9 year old and 12 year old nephew and niece we took to the movie. But they liked the movie too.
I have a great jean jacket from the Gap outlet a few years back, which I'm happy with. But, I saw a woman the other day with this sweet, fitted, blue/black jacket that I am now making it my number one mission in life to find.
Why oh why are we never happy with what we have...?
Here, here on the "Chuck and Larry" comment. Who, exactly, is going to see that piece of crap?
I'm with you on not jumping on the Harry Potter bandwagon. It is nice to see people reading, though.
Love the three-eyed fish on your Simpsonized shirt!
I got my denim jacket at the Levi's outlet. Stef, it's worth the trip: between Levi's, the Gap Outlet, and Old Navy, you're bound to find something... Let us know how this Zip-it tool works out, if you try it soon... I'm actually kinda glad you guys dragged me to the The Simpsons Movie; dig the avatar... And count me in for Psycho Suzy's anytime!
I haven't done any of those five things either.
I really should get around to reading the final HP book, but I still haven't read the sixth.
Oh dear. How are we friends??? I read the new Harry Potter, although I did that last weekend. I did not go to BlogHer, but I just vowed on my not-yet-finished post that I will go next year because I cannot handle the envy, even though a lot of the pictures I've seen from the event have intimidated the bejesus out of me. I DID go see Chuck & Larry (and loved it - I actually thought it was quite tastefully done and funny). I did not clean my bathroom out with The Zipper, but I love those things and swear by them - although I warn you, you should buy two, because you aren't going to want to clean the crap off one in order to zip it again. And I have no desire to own a jean jacket, which is good, because I do not own one. AND, I might skip the Simpsons movie! WTF? Did we move into bizarro world wherein we have nothing in common?
3Cs--Well, everyone but me seems to have one, so I guess they are back in. Maybe they are on the way out again, though, and that's why I can't find one?
Liz--Yep. Except, you know, fewer ferral cats and more cheese for me. :-)
NPW--I didn't think to check H&M. And you should create a Simpsons avatar, too! Come on, join the ever-growing club.
R--I'd argue that the Simpsons movie itself is probably not great for kids. Did they seem at all traumatized by the animated full-frontal nudity? ;-)
WM--Did you ask her where she got it? I would have. Or, I wouldn't have, but then I would find myself wishing for weeks that I had.
L Sass--GG, apparently. (Just teasing you, GG. You know I love you, my dear.)
Courtney--I know; when I saw that Blinky was an option, it was really the only choice I could make. :-)
Jamie--I used the Zip-it thing on Sunday, and OH MY WORD it was scary. I seriously pulled out enough hair to make a wig. A slimy and disgusting wig, but a full wig nonetheless. And GG is right. They say it's a single-use tool for a reason. I really, really didn't want to clean off and reuse that thing. Yech. (On a happier note, though, my drain is free-flowing now!) :-)
Thinker--I haven't read the second, third, fourth, or fifth, either, so you're ahead of me, anyway. (I am unbothered by it, though, obviously.)
GG--Rest assured we still have lots of common ground, my dear. Did you forget about the wine? And the many other books we both loved? And the wine? And Lean Cuisine paninis? Oh, and wine? I still love you, even if you have selectively bad taste. ;-)
I love this idea (i.e., what I won't be doing); mind if I steal from you at some point? The Simpsonize Me program is eerie; I must post mine...
Metalia--I would love to see your Simpsons avatar, and you can surely lift that idea. I'd be honored to be robbed by you. ;-)
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