- Miles and miles of bike routes and walking paths... along rivers, around lakes, on old railroad lines, and beside gorgeous old homes that I could never afford but love to look at.
- The fact that even in the middle of the city, it's so easy to find quiet green patches.
- The Stone Arch Bridge and St. Anthony Main. We really need some better restaurants down there, but the block is just so pretty, I can easily accept the limited (and overpriced) options.
- Drinks on patios and rooftops.
- Movies in the park.
- Outdoor concerts.
- Ice cream at Grand Ole Creamery and Izzy's. (OK, those are both St. Paul, but this is an equal opportunity list. I have no qualms about venturing across the river as often as necessary.)
- Summer festivals involving fried food and things on sticks.
I hope your weekend was as lovely as mine. Tell me, how's your summer going so far?

I went out biking yesterday and got quite sunburned shoulders and arms. Today we went to the swimming pool, and I wore a cardigan. But it was fun!
I love summer and I love loving my city, too. So nice.
Great pics, also!
Your summer looks great so far! Nothing beats a nice day to get outside and just do something.
So far, my summer has been just peachy. But, you know, a life of leisure is always pleasant. :)
I would KILL for a lovely summer day at this point. IT WON'T STOP RAINING. Seriously, we're floating away here. Last year much of the state was on fire, we were were under a burn ban for months, and this year the entire state is under a flood watch. Crazy.
Minneapolis in the summer sounds lovely.
Other than the ungodly hot days we sometimes have, I love summer in St. Paul/Mpls too.
Though today (cloudy, cooler) is more to my liking. Time to finally drag the bike out!
Sigh. Dying of jealousy and homesickness over here!!
I have been MEANING for years to make it home to the State Fair for some food-on-a-stick goodness!
Minneapolis is indeed beautiful. I wish I wasn't there on the 3 hottest days of the year, it kind of made our trip to the zoo a bit of a death march. However, the trip to the Grand Old Creamery was made that much sweeter by the heat...
I recommend that everyone spend as much time at the tiki bar as possible, and that you find a way to get yourself to the balcony of the Guthrie Theatre as soon as you can. Then you can add it to your list as well. I think it's open to the public, actually.
what a great place
to spend some time!
i gotta come back here...
sognatrice was so ~~right on~~
about your blog...
PS- i cannot ride my bike
and click my camera at the same time,
clearly you are talented
in many ways!
R--I got sunburned too. I am dumb. Usually I take a very tree-lined route. I didn't really consider the sunscreen when I went a different way. Oh well.
Malia--You definitely strike me as someone who loves checking out everything her city has to offer. Yay for great summer exploration days! :-)
NPW--I know; I am still jealous of your three months off. Summer is the ONLY time I mildly wish I'd gone into education.
Liz--I'm telling you, this place is apparently the chosen land. All this absurd weather all over the place, but here, aside from the usual few bitter cold days and unbearably hot days each year, we seem mostly unaffected by the weird extremes. (I should really knock on some wood as I type that.)
WM--I often prefer the cooler, shady days myself, but Saturday was just so gorgeous I couldn't help but get caught up in it.
L Sass--Don't get TOO jealous. I'm sure there's lots to get excited about in New York this time of year, too. (In fact, I recall you wrote a post about that recently!)
Noelle--I'm not sure which balcony you mean, so I don't know if I've been there yet. The patio at the end of the cantilever bridge is pretty cool, though, and on one of the upper floors (9th, I think?) there's a window in the floor that you can stand on and look down to the ground below... if you dare. It was freaky, but pretty cool. Anyway, glad you had a good time here!
Somepinkflowers--Hi! Thanks for stopping by. I was a bit worried about the picture-taking while biking, too. I kept thinking, "This is a really stupid idea" (particularly while biking over the bumpy, rumbly wooden plank road in front of Mill Ruins Park). I am not particularly coordinated, so that really could have ended badly!
VERY cut pic of you, BTW.
I wish it was like that here. Here is is HOT HOT HOT and there is nothing to do because we would all DIE.
Fall and winter are super, though (she said unconvincingly).
Hey Stephanie! I actually am coming there in August and was going to ask you a few things to do!! My husband and I are going to spend about 5 days in Minneapolis w/ his cousin & family, then meeting my college friends in Minocqua, WI through labor day! Can't wait to get out of the stifiling heat of Phoenix and hit the humidity :) Anyway, I'd love some more suggestions of stuff to do and maybe we could meet up for a drink! I'm not quite in your blogger ranks, but I'm a wanna-be! I would have emailed you all of this if I had your email, instead of commenting, but mine is: jeskinne@hotmail.com
I just noticed that I have an annoying tendency to over use exclamation points.... ugh.
Paisley--A guy I work with is off to Arizona tomorrow, and I heard he can expect 117 degrees when he arrives. I have no idea how you people live there. In Minnesota, we always say the winters make us tough. Clearly summers must do the same for you. Don't melt!
MJ--You're coming here? Let me think on some suggestions and email you a list. (My email is in my sidebar, by the way.) Hopefully I will come up with something more interesting than just copying Citysearch's list of things to do! Give me a little bit... I'll get back to you! :-)
Soooo cute!!! Love the pigtails, btw. Yes, I must go to Minneapolis. Please tell me you loved the Betsy-Tacy books too!
Stef, don't take this the horndogwrong way, but you have beautiful lips and eyes (as well as a beautiful mind) and I'm flummoxed about you not having a man.
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