Sunday, February 03, 2008

Patience, nerdlings

I know, I know. You are waiting for an update about the spelling bee. And I had fully intended to write one tonight. But you know what? After downing a drink every round of the spelling bee (plus a few more congratulatory ones post-bee), going to bed after 3:00 a.m., and spending the day doing manual labor (namely, step 1 of the basement beautification project I've got planned), I am way too damn tired for a full story tonight.

Tomorrow. Tomorrow, I promise.

Meanwhile, pics are up on Flickr if you're interested. Peace out.


Jess said...

I'm looking forward to tomorrow's post. In the meantime, I hope you sleep very well tonight.

shelleycoughlin said...

I MUST know more! What was the winning word? How many rounds did it go? How many drinks was it? How can I do a drunk spelling bee here in Boston?!

-R- said...

I love the bee hat and scarf!

I fear that I am too preppy for that bar. The other people there would have been like, "Who is that nerdy lawyer? Get her out of here!"

Things you must include in your post about the bee: (1) what is up with those 3-D glasses and (2) what was there "nearly naked round"? I am so intrigued!

-R- said...

the nearly naked round, not there nearly naked round

I must not have typos on the blog of the bee winner!

Akkire said...

I can't wait for this story.

Poppy said...

Yay! What -R- said! Love the pics. :D

Whiskeymarie said...

I am very, very impressed you won.

Nerdling? Indeed. We love a good nerdling around here.