That is all.
Carry on.

For an explanation of this alphabet theme, see my first NaBloPoMo post. For a rationalization of why three sentences and a photo totally counts as a post, bite me. (I kid! I kid! But did you see the absurdly long post yesterday? I say that totally buys me two days.)
Hated them as a kid, can't get enough of them now. Nummy.
Mmm, me too. I can't get enough of the things.
I love 'em too. And good one with the short post. :)
Love olives. Love 'em.
Yay for olives!
I once had a contest with a friend to see who could stuff the most olives in their mouth, then chew and completely swallow them. I got 40 salad olives in my mouth, and she got 20 queen-sized in hers, and we called it a draw.
Ha! You make me laugh.
Liz--40?!? I don't know if that's impressive or horrifying. I guess I'm just glad you don't have it on film. ;-)
I don't get it.
Nothing wrong with a good short post. I mean, Christ, I wrote a list of five alternate names for myself Sunday.
Any preference in the battle of black vs. green?
Me too! Those olives look delicious.
I'll eat olives until my stomach hurts and I am bloated from salt.
I could eat olives EVERY DAY. Oh, and blue cheese-stuffed olives in dirty martinis? HEAVEN.
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