So by now we all know about Someecards, right? If not, you might not want to click that link unless you have an hour or so to spare. Don't say I didn't warn you.
I have sent many a Someecard to various friends already, but today Erikka and Allie gave me a way to send Someecards to all of you at the same time! Yay! I think this game has now passed itself along to enough people that it is officially a meme, which means that all of you should join in and play, too.
How? Easy. Just find five Someecards that describe yourself in amazingly unflattering ways. Here are mine.

You are so right! I have blown many hours surfing someecards.
my new fave is at Cerebral Itch
Love those! My list is over on my blog here.
Thanks for the giiiiiggle!!!!
NO! I did not know about these but now I do and I'm totally loving them! I can't wait to find mine and post them. :) Awesome. I love the patio one, so true....
And I totally loved my actual card that you sent me.
16 was a fun year...
I think I just realized that the solution to both of our dating issues is that we're probably perfect for each other. Those are exactly the cards I would have picked...
I was unfamiliar with this somee thing. I will be checking it out immediately. And probably picking some of the same cards you did. (I need a caveat on the "drunk on the patio" one, though...I refuse to sit outside from mid-July through mid-September.)
Hee! I do love that site.
Best. Find. Ever!
Hilarious! I may have to steal this idea.
Here are three for me: this,
this, and
They were easy to find. I just clicked on the Cry for Help section.
Ha! Those are awesome!
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