Friday, November 14, 2008

Temporary post...

OK, I am totally playing by the rules here with this NaBlo thing, but you see, I put off my post until very late in the evening, and just as I hit "New Post," an old friend caught me on Facebook chat, and that chat turned into a well overdue phone call. Look at that! Facebook really CAN reunite you with long nearly lost people who you actually DO still want to talk to! Allison, you are my Facebook success story. You are also the reason my real November 14 post will be late. More later, folks; I promise!

To the NaBlo powers-that-be, I DID get this mere paragraph in before midnight! That totally counts, right? (Please?) Prizes, people. PRIZES! I won't let Facebook keep me from that.


Aaron said...

Consider this a temporary comment, then, Stefanie Says. Touche.

plumpy said...

Consider this me temporarily calling "bullshit" on these shenanigans. Don't let me down again, Stef.